Backup Your Email with Getmail
Posted on 2015-09-06
It's always a good idea to keep backups of data you can't replace, including email. For the last few years, I've had a script that automatically backs up my Gmail account. Since switching to Fastmail, I figured I should continue doing the same thing. It turned out, it was pretty easy to set up another account.
I've been meaning to write about backing up email for a few months now. With Dr. Drang's recent post about archiving email using formail
, I figured this a good enough time as ever to post my solution.
To install getmail
, you can use Homebrew, or manually if you're in to that sort of thing.
brew install getmail
For the configuration files, I first created a directory in my Home folder
mkdir .getmail
The config files for both Fastmail and Gmail are similar, but I'll include both for completeness
type = SimpleIMAPSSLRetriever
server =
username = <username>
mailboxes = ("[Gmail]/All Mail",) # To pull all emails
port = 993
type = Maildir
path = ~/gmail-archive/
# print messages about each action (verbose = 2)
# Other options:
# 0 prints only warnings and errors
# 1 prints messages about retrieving and deleting messages only
verbose = 2
message_log = ~/Dropbox/Scripts/logs/gmail.log
receieved = false
delivered_to = false
# dont re-read messages its already pulled down
read_all = false
type = SimpleIMAPSSLRetriever
server =
username = <username>
mailboxes = ("INBOX.Archive",)
type = Maildir
path = ~/fastmail-archive/
verbose = 2
read_all = false
message_log = ~/Dropbox/Scripts/logs/fastmail.log
delivered_to = false
received = false
You'll notice that I don't include the password in either config. If password is omitted from a config on Mac OS, the first time you run getmail
, you'll be prompted to enter your password and it will then be stored securely in KeyChain. Since I'm using Maildir as my type, you'll need to create special folders, with 3 specific subfolders
mkdir ~/fastmail-archive
mkdir !$/{cur,tmp,new} # creates 3 new folders in ~/fastmail-archive
The same will need to be done for ~/gmail-archive.
Once this is set up, you'll need to run the script once to enter in your password
/usr/local/bin/getmail -q -r ~/.getmail/
If I ever need to view the emails, I do the same as Dr. Drang and use mutt
, which can also be installed with Homebrew.
mutt -R -f ~/gmail-archive
Tags: automation email backup