Using with TextExpander v2: Objective-C and JavaScript
Posted on 2015-10-24
I was generally happy with how I was using with TextExpander to create snippets for my emails, phone numbers and addresses. However, as I eventually realized, I have to have running for it to work. When AppleScript and JavaScript talk to applications in OS X, they have to be running. That isn't the case for C and Objective-C libraries, so I decided to see how hard it was to use the Objective-C bindings for Javascript.
The documentation is just as sparse in the developer documentation, however this article by Tyler Gaw helped get me started in understanding how to represent Objective-C methods in Javascript. It's probably easiest to just show the script and explain what's going on.
sAB = $.ABAddressBook.sharedAddressBook
meRecord =
var propertyToObjCType = {
'email': $.kABEmailProperty,
'address': $.kABAddressProperty,
'phone': $.kABPhoneProperty
var labelToObjCType = {
'work': $.kABWorkLabel,
'home': $.kABHomeLabel,
'iPhone': $.kABPhoneiPhoneLabel,
function valueForProperty(property){
return meRecord.valueForProperty(propertyToObjCType[property])
function getEmailByLabel(inputLabel){
emails = valueForProperty('email')
label = labelToObjCType[inputLabel]
for (var i = 0; i < emails.count; i++){
if ($.CFEqual(emails.labelAtIndex(i), label)){
return emails.valueAtIndex(i)
function getAddressByLabel(inputLabel){
addresses = valueForProperty('address')
label = labelToObjCType[inputLabel]
for (var i = 0; i < addresses.count; i++){
if ($.CFEqual(addresses.labelAtIndex(i), label)){
return sAB.formattedAddressFromDictionary(addresses.valueAtIndex(i)).string
function getPhoneByLabel(inputLabel){
phone = valueForProperty('phone')
label = labelToObjCType[inputLabel]
for (var i = 0; i < phone.count; i++){
if ($.CFEqual(phone.labelAtIndex(i), label)){
return phone.valueAtIndex(i)
The biggest thing to point out is that if you have a method called in Objective-C like [ABAddressBook sharedAddressBook];
, this gets converted to dot notation $.ABAddressBook.sharedAddressBook
. The Obj-C bridge is always called with either ObjC.
or $.
followed by the method.
You can find a nice list of different properties and values for the address book here. For labels, the most common will be $.kABHomeLabel
and $.kABWorkLabel
for home and work respectively. If you've created a custom label (let's call it XXX), you can reference it by calling $.kABXXXLabel
As with any other JavaScript snippet in TextExpander, you can call any of these functions to expand the contact information that you'd like.
getEmailByLabel('home') // returns your home phone number
getAddressByLabel('work') // returns your work address
getAddressByLabel('iPhone') // returns your phone number labeled iPhone
For those of you who don't like copy/pasting the same code over and over, there's a nice little hack that you can do in TextExpander.
First, create a new Plain Text snippet with the code from the top of the post. I called the snippet "getInfoFromContacts". Once that's done, you can create new snippets that take advantage of this code by creating new JavaScript snippets with the following:
This way, if you update something from the main part of the code, you don't have to update all of your TextExpanders.