Tag: automation | RSS Feed

Create Multiple Tasks in Omnifocus on iOS

Throughout the day I think of things that I need to do after work or this coming weekend. The best way for me to not forget these is to quickly get them into Omnifocus. I've been using Drafts on my iPhone and Alfred on my Mac to quickly create tasks … [Read More]


Category: Tech

Tags: applescript, automation, ios, javascript, omnifocus

Create Dropbox Links from Alfred

I've always treated Alfred as a Finder replacement. The speed at which I can find and take action on files is faster than Finder.app or Spotlight will ever be able to do. Because of this, I want to have a quick and easy way to share Dropbox files from … [Read More]


Category: Tech

Tags: alfred, dropbox, automation, python

Syncing Photos from Dropbox to the Photos App on iPhone

I've chosen to not use iCloud Photo Library for a few reasons. I have a decent system set up for storing my photos in Dropbox, but I've always wanted to have my photos local on my iPhone. Now that iOS 10 has some cool features like memories and image search … [Read More]


Category: Tech

Tags: applescript, javascript, automation, hazel

Setting Keyboard Shortcuts from Terminal in macOS

It's been a few months since my last post. I've spent a lot of time working on my blog, but all things behind the scenes that most people wouldn't even notice. Setting keyboard shortcuts on Mac is actually fairly easy, but it requires a lot of clicking around. Fortunately there's … [Read More]


Category: Tech

Tags: automation, bash

Publishing from Day One to Pelican with Hazel and Dropbox

I'll be soon embarking on a long bike tour and was searching for a way to keep a journal of my trip but also post updates to a website. Day One was an obvious journaling choice, but with version 2, publishing isn't yet available. With a little poking around, it … [Read More]


Category: Tech

Tags: hazel, pelican, automation, dropbox

Clearing Multiple Notifications in Mac OS X

If I haven't used my computer for a while, I'll end up with multiple calendar notifications that I have to painfully close one by one. I went searching for something that would let me close them faster, but nothing I could find did quite what I wanted. Nearly every day … [Read More]

Updated on 2016-12-04

Category: Tech

Tags: keyboardmaestro, alfred, automation, javascript

Moving TextExpander Snippets to Keyboard Maestro

I've been a long time TextExpander user. I use it every day for simple things like pasting my contact info or shortening urls using bit.ly. There are plenty of articles out there arguing for and against TextExpander's new subscription model. I support their decision but I can't justify $50 … [Read More]


Category: Tech

Tags: automation, textexpander, python, keyboardmaestro

Searching Todo’s in Code

Happy 2016! It's been a while since I've gotten something up here. Last week at work I was working on a fairly large refactor of our front-end. Large pieces of code were being moved around and others re-written to be cleaner and more understandable. Throughout this process, I was leaving … [Read More]


Category: Tech

Tags: automation, bash, sublimetext

List Server Favorites in OS X 10.11 El Capitan

I'm using Alfred a lot less these days. Many of my workflows have been easier to build in Keyboard Maestro. The remaining few that are left in Alfred are ones that I heavily depend on, one of which is accessing my Server Favorites in OS X. Up until OS X … [Read More]


Category: Tech

Tags: automation, javascript, objectivec

Using Contacts.app with TextExpander v2: Objective-C and JavaScript

I was generally happy with how I was using Contacts.app with TextExpander to create snippets for my emails, phone numbers and addresses. However, as I eventually realized, I have to have Contacts.app running for it to work. When AppleScript and JavaScript talk to applications in OS X, they … [Read More]


Category: Tech

Tags: textexpander, automation, javascript, objectivec

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