Tag: automation | RSS Feed

Backup Your Contacts v2 : Yosemite’s Javascript Automation

I recently read MacStories' article and was curious how easy this was to learn. Applescript never made sense to me and I spent more time trying to piece together examples than actually writing anything meaningful. I don't trust iCloud to keep my contacts safe, and I'm still using my previous … [Read More]


Category: Tech

Tags: automation, applescript, javascript

Back up Your Contacts with Pythonista

While it hasn't happened in a while, I have lost or had issues with contacts in iCloud. I haven't found a reliable way to automatically back up my contacts on my Mac, but Pythonista offers a simple way to back them up. Pythonista offers a great library which gives you … [Read More]


Category: Tech

Tags: automation, Dropbox, ifttt, launchcenterpro, ios, pythonista

Instagram for Slogger

In early 2013, I discovered Slogger and loved the idea of journalling about more than just what I had to say. What I was listening to at a given time is just as important as what I was thinking. However, there wasn't an ideal way to log Instagram posts without … [Read More]


Category: Tech

Tags: automation, slogger, dayone, photos

Global Shell Variables for Dropbox Paths

I have multiple computers running Dropbox, all of which have different folder paths to where the Dropbox folder is located. I wanted to have a universal way to find and navigate to the folders regardless of what computer I was on. In most cases, setting a variable to your Dropbox … [Read More]


Category: Tech

Tags: bash, automation, Dropbox

Find images with No Exif Dates

My Dropbox folder is full of images claiming to be "missing dates." 1 Some of these photos were thumbnails or images from DayOne that didn't necessarily need dates, but others were real photos that for whatever reason didn't have dates that Dropbox recognized. I did some poking around, and found … [Read More]


Category: Tech

Tags: bash, automation, exiftool, photos

Log Foursquare Locations in Markdown

I've always used Foursquare as a way to remember the places I had visited while traveling. Foursquare isn't really meant to be used in this way, and as a result, they don't make it easy to answer the question, "what was that restaurant I went to last time I was … [Read More]


Category: Tech

Tags: markdown, automation, bash, ifttt

Show Time in Multiple Time Zones with TextExpander

I'm really bad at converting a time to other timezones. Now that the company I work for has offices in multiple countries, scheduling has become much more difficult. In an effort to eliminate the need for people to convert times themselves, I wrote a TextExpander snippet to take care of … [Read More]


Category: Tech

Tags: bash, automation, textexpander

Quick Sharing with Launch Center Pro and Dropbox

I've been finding more and more reasons to use Launch Center Pro recently. With the fairly recent addition of Dropbox actions, I've been finding new ways to share links quickly. I take a lot of quick photos that I never plan to keep around. In most cases, it's just to … [Read More]


Category: Tech

Tags: ios, automation, Dropbox, launchcenterpro, photos

Airport Codes with Alfred

Here's a quick Alfred workflow to get the airport code for a given city or the city based on an airport code. You can search either by the 3-character airport code or by the city name. You can make your search specific enough to return one result, such as "dublin … [Read More]


Category: Tech

Tags: alfred, automation

Travel Notifications with Launch Center Pro and Pythonista

I've been doing a lot more traveling in the last year. Each time I take off or land, I found myself sending nearly the same text message to multiple people. After a while, it began to feel more like a chore than the kind gesture of letting others know I … [Read More]


Category: Tech

Tags: automation, pythonista

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