Tag: slogger | RSS Feed

Instagram for Slogger

In early 2013, I discovered Slogger and loved the idea of journalling about more than just what I had to say. What I was listening to at a given time is just as important as what I was thinking. However, there wasn't an ideal way to log Instagram posts without … [Read More]


Category: Tech

Tags: automation, slogger, dayone, photos

[Updated] Log Your Instagram Posts with Slogger

Update 2016-06-23 As of June 2016, Instagram has changed their API and no longer allows this script to work. Sorry :( Update 2014-09-04 I recently submitted a new plugin that now comes with Slogger which uses the Instagram API. You can check out my post with more information here. I've received … [Read More]


Category: Tech

Tags: slogger, dropbox, dayone, photos

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