Tag: objectivec | RSS Feed

List Server Favorites in OS X 10.11 El Capitan

I'm using Alfred a lot less these days. Many of my workflows have been easier to build in Keyboard Maestro. The remaining few that are left in Alfred are ones that I heavily depend on, one of which is accessing my Server Favorites in OS X. Up until OS X … [Read More]


Category: Tech

Tags: automation, javascript, objectivec

Using Contacts.app with TextExpander v2: Objective-C and JavaScript

I was generally happy with how I was using Contacts.app with TextExpander to create snippets for my emails, phone numbers and addresses. However, as I eventually realized, I have to have Contacts.app running for it to work. When AppleScript and JavaScript talk to applications in OS X, they … [Read More]


Category: Tech

Tags: textexpander, automation, javascript, objectivec

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